Equipment Basics Basics
Release Date: 0813 This manual is the property of Burger King Corporation and may be used only in a manner and by persons approved by the Company.
2. Resanitize hopper chamber by adding 2.5 gallons (10
liters) of warm green packet sanitizer solution to hopper
— Brush sides and chamber with larger hopper brush
(3 in. x 7 in./8 cm. x 18 cm.)
— Brush shake mix inlet with white 1 in. x 2 in.
(2.5 cm. x 5 cm.) brush
3. Turn “Wash” switch on. Agitate sanitizer in freezing
chamber for 5 minutes.
4. Turn switch off. Drain sanitizer solution.
5. Prime machine
Refer to manufacturer’s
manual for details on
machine setup and priming.
Check drip tray for excessive dripping
Adjust carburetor tube, if applicable, to smallest hole
Minimum 4 in. (10 cm.) of shake mix in hopper on
(440/445 machines only)
Check syrup pressure in tanks (5454)
Infusion Tea and Coffee Brewer
Taking and recording the coffee brewer temperature is not
necessary. However, dispensed coffee temperature must
meet the required 160ºF (71ºC) standard.
1. Be sure brewer is ON and READY
2. Preheat thermal server prior to first brew
3. Place thermal server on brewer stand and remove top of
4. Insert coffee filter into clean, sanitized brew funnel
5. Press selected brew size on brewer
6. Brewer displays brew time countdown and drip time
countdown. Total brew time:
— 1 Gallon (128 oz.) = 7:00
— 1/2 Gallon (64 oz.) = 6:40
— Single serving (20 oz.) = 2:38
To stop brew, press on/off
brew button.
7. After brewing is finished and coffee has stopped dripping,
remove brew funnel, discard coffee filter and grounds and
rinse brew funnel
8. Close thermal server lid
Routinely check:
Any buildup on sprayhead may restrict water flow and
impact brewing. Rinse sprayhead daily and clean
sprayhead weekly with sprayhead cleaning tool.
Do NOT clean thermal server with a water jet device
Verify on/off switch is on if brew cycle does not begin
Wait until water is heated if brewer displays BREW
Remove brew funnel, empty previously brewed grounds
and replace with fresh grounds if display reads CHECK
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